STANFORD UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER STANFORD, CALIFORNIA 94305 « (415) 321-1200 STANFORD UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE Departinent of Genetics Professor Joshua Lederberg Jear Dr. MHiller-~ Do you know of any studies on the possibility that smoking may be the Ieukemoyen? (for congenital Leukemia). Pinning a 15.4% reduction on cautions on obstr., X-rays seems to imply 1) a drastic reduction in exposure (can it be more than lr per capita?), and 2) a sensitivity >> 197? per r, which is not particularly borne out by the Hiroshima data. Your earlier papers seemed more skeptical about this particulwr etiology; anything new to change your mind? I think you pointed out yourself that the X-ray “users! would be an atypical sample; it would be interes- tine and important to derive specific correlations be- tween X-ray exposure and use of various/ drugs, smoking, ete. The NINDS perinatal morbadity study should he very good for that, even if not large enourh to be too fruit- ful vis-a-vis leukemic outcome. Sinverely,