STANFORD UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER STANFORD, CALIFORNIA 94305 © (415) 321-1200 STANFORD UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE Department of Genetics Professor Joshua Lederberg Dece 31, L964 “@ar pr. abdsers: “hank you for your leiter and attachments. I an very soprecietive of help*in remaininse up to date on such complex issues. I “ight even be the first to say thet I om herdly an expert in this area -- but when I find the effected public even less well-informed, there is perhavs some merit in my attemptin« to draw sone ettention th such issues. 6y concern 2bout reil safe- ty per se is not neglizible; I hs5d also become interes- ted in it as a prototype of cven more complex oroblems of the allocation of responsibility for public ppotec- tion. whe Zonsressionel iecord for ec, 19 also just errived end I was happy to have noted the anendnent in the version of the bill passed by the Senate. It was not however reported, as for an I noticed, in the :.¥ Tires or sell st. cournel er Wash. Post. furthermore, may I mention (off the recoré) thet ‘av! editor et the Son *rancisco Chronicle thought my colunn of 12/70 wes 'rsther dukL.' end decided not to »rint ite i mention these points because they do underly. the problem of gettine effective legislation. I heve few Sus cestions, beyond whot I have already documented es iy Ovm interest. ’robably it would help if sove of your peovle were to write for vehicles lilce waturday -eview or tlie 7.2. VWimes MagaZine. tr get Naloh bader aboard! vo you have any comment on 'shsolute Liability'? co you have any informetion or the erount of 3 d-party injury from reil accidents » ond whet praportion of this wes recoverable from cyrriers: I hope I did not err in my interpretation of present legal doctrine. Sincerely, Lt. JosepH P. KENNEDY, JR. LABORATORIES FOR MOLECULAR See dedicated to the study of mental retardation at Molecular Biology Heredity Neurobiology Developmen 1 dic La * Plenae ele ued bent. I be (Ruan ap -