1S) STANFORD UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE STANFORD MEDICAL CENTER PALO ALTO, CALIFORNIA 94304 DEPARTMENT OF GENETICS Area Code 415 Professor Joshua Lederberg 3UI-Reo Hon. Abraham A. Ribicoff U.S. Senate Washington, D.C. Dear Senator: I would be grateful to you for information you may have available on: liability for damages incidental to transportetion of hazgerdous moterials. I note your bill, 3. 2915. I have been a bit perplexed to find the stete of the law on civil lizbility for railrood accidents. In principle, I would heve ex- pected thet the anticipstion of dameges would heve been encugh to shepe the carriers' operating procedures. But perhaps it is not settled that the cerrier would be liable to ยข significent extent for the losses suffered, say, by the residents of 3 town blown wa by en explosives accident. Are there limitstions of liability for reguloted carriers? Would explicit negligence have to be shown? Besides the important line of authority proposed in your bili for direct administretive regulation, I wonder if the law should not also impose an unconditional lisbility for losses to innocent by- standers (if necessary,establishing an insurance system behind it). But I cannot sensibly comment on this without 2 better understanding of the present lew. As the issue may be quite pertinent to &. 2915, it is, I hope, not presumptuous to es for a review by the Legis. Ref. Service of the Librery of Conzress, if the natter is not alresdy omply covered in aveilable references. , Thank you, snd with best vers onel regards, Joshua Lederberg NOTE: I write a weekly column on "Science and Man" for the Washington Post and affiliated newspapers. Your information may be helpful to me in drafting future columns.