MEMO FROM TX TO: . J. LEDERBERG WH ct A C Rc GENETICS DEPARTMENT RO STANFORD UNIVERSITY Q harks STANFORD, CALIFORNIA JUL 16 1970 Of course (!!!2727) my simple solution was ironic. It was in response to the previous item, copy enclosed. Your attorney may disagree, but unless peni- cillin were intentionally added to a food (which would be barred by its standing as a refistered drug limited to prescription use) it would not be covered by the De Laney cancer clause as written. (This specifically excludes pesticide residues, for example, which must still pass criteria of safety-~ which, I strongly agree, are much abused.) Whatever Julium M. Coon said, I know that Dr. Jean Mayer, the White House consultant who organized the conference, sakes a stron- ger view. As you have evidently missed some of my other writings on food additives, I enclose a set. Please do not be shy about recipro- cating. Sincerely