CHEMICAL & ENGINEERING NEWS 1155 SIXTEENTH STREET, N.W., WASHINGTON, D.C. 20036 202-737-3337 ONE OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY | PUBLICATIONS May 27, 1970 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Professor of Genetics Department of Genetics Stanford University of Medical Center Stanford, California 94305 Dear Dr. Lederberg: Thanks for your letter of May 20. I've based a short piece on your remarks and enclose a carbon for your comments. I'11 hold the item until hearing from you. Incidentally, I had considered the misinterpretation of the Delaney amendment to be part of the burlesque in the earlier story. Since you raise the point, however, I have dredged up a recollection that the amendment applies to "incidental" food additives as well as the intentional kind. I mention the point only to be certain to exclude all loopholes from the attached item, since, unlike the earlier one, it is only partly burlesque. I deduce from your comment on the phrase "cause cancer" that you think a change in wording in the Delaney amendment might be useful. Again, I am working from memory, but if you do think a change in the amendment is desirable, I could add the thought to the story. Sincerely, NW) Aerae /@.u3, Kenneth M. Reese Contributing Editor KMR : caw P.S. Should you wish to telephone, my best number is 202-265-6564