she a | anne eee STANFORD UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER STANFORD, CALIFORNIA 94305 e (415) 321-1200 STANFORD Universtry ScHOOL OF MEDICINE BEC I 8 1969 Department of Genetics Personal Morton Mibtz, Washington Post Your overview article on cyclamates a few weeks ago was superb! Have you followed the atrocious way that NATURE handled this business in the last fewweeks. (C&EN at least printed a raft of letters in reply, and also invited me to do a guest editorial which quite contradicted their own production -- Hut see how they subtitledd in the table of contents for that issue!) To the point: the response in Nature is merely symptomaticcof the way that Finch & Co. managed the announcement and the ban. They did their best to make it appear as a piece of arbitrary bureaucracy, and as far as I can tell made no effort to explain or justify the scientific reasoning that would lead any knowledgeable person to take very seriously "cancer in six rats at high doses". You and I and very few others have tried to disseminate this reasoning. Hut it is coming home to me that it was a malfeasance of office for the ikW not to do so itself. And of course when Finch comes out later and sugpests dropping the Delaney amendment, you can see what's behind it. Many of my professional colleagues are still upset with some residual confusion. Tarring MiNX, which they rarely read or trust, few of the medical journals have had anything to say on the subject. So this is another sezment of the communication svstem that nas flunked. ‘I do urge you to keep this up --e.g. you might interview J.Hi. Weisburger at Nat. Cancer Inst. who is one of the most knowledgeable people around on the subject of carcinogenicity testing. It takes more than I can put into She kind of column I can do to get the main ideas across -- fot example extrapolating the dose-response curves from experi- mental to population exposure levels needs some graphics. But TI would not forget about hammering home the political point: whose respensibility it should have been in the first place. Sincerely, Goshua Lederberg LY, J. P. KENNEDY, JR. LABORATORIES FOR MOLECULAR MEDICINE, DEDICATED 1O RESEARCH IN MENTAL RETARDATION MOLECULAR BIOLOGY - HEREDITY NEUROBIOLOGY DEVELOPMENTAL MEDICINE