DR. ROBERT D. KRosS 2506 FLORIN COURT BELLMORE, N. Y, 11710 CA 1-7e59 December 11, 1969 Mr. Patrick P, McCurdy, Editor Chemical and Engineering News 1155 Sixteenth St., N, Ww. Washington, D, C, 20036 Dear Mr, McCurdy: Joshua Lederberg (Editorial 12/8/69) has presented some. sound arguments for maintaining the Delaney amendment which bans cancer-inducing materials from human food. Basically, he is saying, why take a chance with suspicious materials when dealing with the very broad spectrum of human physiologies in our population, It would be a catastrophe, he states, "if a hundred innocent U.S, consumers a year were carcinogenized by a food additive they could live happily without," There lies the rub! . Without cyclamates (and conceivably without saccharine, which several studies have raised some questions about) what would be the Overall effect of going back to sucrose? Perhaps no one could point a finger at 100 specific death per year resulting from the known physi- ologic danger of excess sucrose, However assume that reversion to natural sweeteners depresses the life span (as it does in rats) of some one million adults (by atherosclerosis, adult obese diabetes, etc, ) by the average of one year, This is equivalent to 15, 000 lifetimes, Cyclamates, of course, represent only one specific case, It helps focus, however, on the main problem facing the federal author- ities, that of sufficient power to decide which is the most appropriate course of action for the average good of Americans, Cordially, Robert D, Kross, Ph, D,