THOMAS E. MORGAN, PA., CHAIRMAN CLEMENT J. ZABLOCKI, WIS. E. ROSS ADAIR, IND. WAYNE L. HAYS, OHIO WILLIAM §. MAILLIARD, CALIF, L. H. FOUNTAIN, N.C. PETER H. B. FRELINGHUYSEN, N.J. DANTE B. FASCELL, FLA, WILLIAM 5S. BROOMFIELD, MICH. LEONARD FARBSTEIN, N.Y. J. IRVING WHALLEY, PA. CHARLES C. DIGGS, JR., MICH. H. R. GROSS, IOWA DUT ESS of t ted tert WILLIAM T, MURPHY, ILL. E. Y. BERRY, 8. DAK. er It LS CORNELIUS EF. GALLAGHER, N.J. EDWARD J. DERWINSKI, [LL. ROBERT N. C. NIX, PA. F. BRADFORD MORSE, MASS. a JOHN S. MONAGAN, CONN. VERNON W. THOMSON, WIS. C tite Jon 8, MowaAN, conn, VERNON THOM, onumnittee on Horeign Affairs BENJAMIN 8. ROSENTHAL, N.Y. PAUL FINDLEY, ILL. EDWARD R. ROYBAL, CALIF. JOHN BUCHANAN, ALA, of ind tan cs auLiee town SOSNT TAPE TR. Ould House of Representatives LEE H. HAMILTON, IND. SHERMAN LLOYD, UTAH JOHN V. TUNNEY, CALIF. J. HERBERT BURKE, FLA. =. C¢ ABRAHAM KAZEN, JR., TEX. WILLIAM V. ROTH, JR., DEL. Washington, BR. - 20515 LESTER L. WOLFF, N.Y. JONATHAN B. BINGHAM, N.Y. GUS YATRON, PA. BOYD CRAWFORD, STAFF ADMINISTRATOR ROY J. BULLOCK, SENIOR STAFF CONSULTANT October 31 > 1969 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Professor of Genetics Stanford University School of Medicine Palo Alto, California 94305 Dear Dr. Lederberg: This will confirm our recent telephone conversation concerning your participation in hearings on chemical-biological warfare and the Geneva Protocol which will be held by the House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on National Security Policy and Scientific Developments. After I discussed the matter with him, the Subcommittee Chairman, Representative Clement J. Zablocki, has decided to hold a session of the hearings on Tuesday, December 2, in order to take advantage of your offer to testify during your brief stay in Washington early in December. As you know, the hearings will be concerned with resolutions introduced into the House of Representatives calling on the President to resubmit the Geneva Protocol of 1925 to the Senate for ratification, and for other purposes. A copy of the text of the resolutions is enclosed. The hearing will be held at 10:00 a.m. in Room 2255 of the Rayburn House Office Building. If possible, it would be appreciated if you could provide us with 75 copies of your statement for the advance use of the Subcommittee Members and the press at least two days before your appearance. In your presentation to the Subcommittee, feel free to range beyond the immediate legislation under consideration. The Subcommittee will be concerning itself with various aspects of chemical-biological warfare and would, I am sure, be interested in any observations which you have which would be pertinent to that matter. Conunittee on Foreign Affairs Dr. Joshua Lederberg Page 2 If you have any questions about the hearing or your appearance please write or call me at Area Code 202, 225-5021. Sincerely yours, WU A Myx John H. Sullivan Staff Consultant Enclosure JHS:plp