CHARLES S. GUBSER MEMBER: 101TH District, CALIFORNIA COMMITTEE ON ARMED SERVICES Congress of the Qnited States Bouse of Representatives Washington, B.C. 20515 November 6, 1969 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Genetics Department Stanford University Stanford, California 94305 Dear Dr. Lederberg: Thank you for your communication and enclosures of recent date, As an old-time debater, there is little | hold more sacred than hearing both sides of an issue. This ts the basis of truth and truth is the most important thing we need in America today. For this reason ! am more than pleased to present the other side of Dr. Shockley's story, and | enclose a tearsheet herewith. Vy Charles S. Gubser Member of Congress CSG:jh Encl. Sik Kao bey,