MEMO FROM TO: TX J. LEDERBERG Arno Motulsky RC GENETICS DEPARTMENT RO STANFORD UNIVERSITY 10g STANFORD, CALIFORNIA I will talk to Walter Bodmer about a full technical reply to Jensen when Walter gets back. -Tlowever, some more discussion along these lines has appeared in the Harv Ed Rev. On further reflectioh, I do not think that criticism at this level will have much useful impact. It would be quite technical and yuite full of reservations: note JFCts rather commendatory comments in the Spring HER. I think the essential confusions have to do precisely with broad, qualitative interpretation, and I was sO irked by the NYT Magazine article that I did write the enclosed (personal) reply. _ Perhaps one could go further than I did here in exploring the vicious ambiguity of heratibility. If I can get Jensen to criticize Edson, we may be a step ahead,