STANFORD UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER STANFORD, CALIFORNIA 94305 ยป (415) 321-1200 STANFORD UNiversiTyY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE DEG 9 1969 Department of Genetics To:: Mr. Tom Bennett c/o Senator Nelson's office This is a preliminary note concerning the cyclamate hearings you are planning. One of the most competent scientists on chemival industion of cancer is Dr. James Miller at the U. of Wisconsin (McCardle Cancer Institute). He is very broadly knowledgaable about cyclamates too. The other names I mentioned were Dr. Joseph C. Arcos, Tulane Med. School (indeed also formerly of Wisconsin), and authpr of the monograph ("Chemical Induction of Cancer" -- Academic Press, 1968. If you are looking for Nobelists, you might well try Jim Watson at Harvard; who does not make many public appearances, but would probably extend himself for this topic, above athers. (He is also Director of the Cold Spring Biological Laboratory ut and is trying to promote cancer research studies there. I enclose a first rate article by J H Weibburger of NIW -- who should also be an excellent witness A very important document, N.A.S. Publ. 749 is now out of print; it would be very important either to press the academy to reprint it; or make it available again as pagrt of your record. (See encl.) I will prepare a statement of my own when I can get a chance to. Ask Sam Epstein for a copy of a letter on cyclamates that a group of us prepared: for Science. Enclosed also some more material on it that appeared in C&EN. I am missing, and have been unable to buy No. d of the 1968 hearings on problem gs of the drug industry (Monopoly Comittee). May I get a copy from you? Also anything from any 1969 hearings so far printed out of your office, for which many thanks. Sincerely, Joshua Lederberg LT. J. P. KENNEDY, JR. LABORATORIES FOR MOLECULAR MEDICINE, DEDICATED TO RESEARCH IN MENTAL RETARDATION MOLECULAR BIOLOGY HEREDITY NEUROBIOLOGY DEVELOPMENTAL MEDICINE