COOPERATIVE EXTENSION SERVICE UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA RENO MAX C. FLEISCHMANN COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE DIVISION OF BIOCHEMISTRY RENO, NEVADA 898507 SECTION OF ENTOMOLOGY November 19, 1969 Professor Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics Stanford University School of Medicine Palo Alto, California 94304 Dear oot In th tober 26th issue of the Chronicle §$ + This article was prepared by you. I had written tc the San Francisco Chronicle asking permission to use it, and they suggested that I contact the Washington Post. This I have done and they state that there is no objection to reprint with credit but that I should obtain permission from you to use the article. I am interested in sending this article to our extension people due to the fact that there are some points that give us a lot of food for thought during this present period of problems on pesticides. I think your point is good that some of our natural’ products may have certain adverse biological effects the same as our synthetic additives if we knew the full biological information. I also like your statement that it would be indeed difficult to certify a compound as safe to any extent outside our context of actual experience and testing. I would appreciate very much using this article as written in the enclosed copy. Very truly yours, ~ Lo Q » (?. ! Loy a) titt Pesticide Specialist LLS:ps Enclosure University of Nevada and U.S. Department of Agriculture Cooperating LLILS