STANFORD UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER STANFORD, CALIFORNIA 94305 ยข (415) $21-1200 STANFORD UNIVERSITY ScHOoL OF MEDICINE Department of Genetics OCT 24 1969 Dr. Marvin Legator FDA (Personal) Dear Marvin-- Secy. Finch spoiled my last weekend, though I trust less than many others', with his action on cyclamates, of which I thoroughly approve (as the best within the framework of the present system). You might be interested in the column I first wrote for 10/25, mailed in Fri. pm., and had to supplant the next morning. That is, I hope the Post did get and print version ITI. I'll be seeing you in a couple of days. Meanwhile, I wonder if you could check out whether ammonium persulfate has ever been used and/or approved for maturing flour; and if not, why not, in the light of the glowing accounts of it immediately post-agene. (As far as I can tell, azodicarbonamide is the favored agent for this purpose now, and it scares the pants off me that we don't know what kinds of adducts this makes with food ingredients. Hydrazine- dicarbonamide (the di-hydro derivative readily formed during baking) has been reasonably well checked out, but I see no reason to believe that a wide variety of other inherently suspicious products are not formed. ) Anyhow, my present inquiry is about the persulfate. I note that it is listed for bleaching starch. Is there any easy way to find out the quantifdties of these compounds used? I would then also add acetone peroxide. See you soon. Sincerely, A. Joshua Lederberg LT. J. P. KENNEDY, JR. LABORATORIES FOR MOLECULAR MEDICINE, DEDICATED TO RESEARCH IN MENTAL RETARDATION MOLECULAR BIOLOGY HEREDITY NEUROBIOLOGY DEVELOPMENTAL MEDICINE