MEMO FROM TO: TX J. LEDERBERG Dr. Gordon Edlin Rc GENETICS DEPARTMENT RO STANFORD UNIVERSITY STANFORD, CALIFORNIA OCT 24 1969 Dear Dr. Edlin-- Now I'm afraid we're both confused. Are you ageréeved because I undpr-or over- emphasize the hazards of radiation? Or neither? My main purpose was to point out the methodological difficulties we face in try- ing to formulate reasonable policies for. the regulation of an innumerable variety of environmental"additives"., | I am concerned that chlorine may be as portentous as _radia- tion; it is astonishing how little investi- gative work has gone into it. (In fact, we are finding that DNA is readily chlorinated by dilute aqueous hypochlorite, and the chemical and genetic consequences of this, in microbial test systems are quite fascina- ting.) I am also rather confused” about your” “own position on LSD & cyclamates.~ Perhaps you would consider giving me a call, and we might clear up some of the com fusion more quickly. I am also enclosing some of the other columns in this series, in case you missed them. The Chronicle runs rather behind the Washington Post, and it inverted the sequencem of 170/171. |Piease note that I have no influence on the headlining. Sineerety, | 70-174, LED, tn