RALPH YARBOROUGH, TEX., CHAIRMAN JENNINGS RANDOLPH, W. WA, JACOB K. JAVITS, LY. HARPISON A. WILLIAMS, JR., NJ. WINSTON L. PROUTY, VT. CLAIBORNE PELL, R.A. PETER MH. DOMINICKX, COLO. HDWARD M. KENNEDY, MASS. GEORGE MURPHY, CALIP, e . GAYLORD NELSON, WIS. RICHARD S. SCHWEIKER, PA, WC { a St { mS) { WALTER F. MONDALE, MINN. HENRY BELLMON, OKLA. UY e a es ena ¢ THOMAS ©. EAGLETON, MO. WILLIAM B. SAXBE, OH!O ALAN CRANSTON, CALIF, COMMITTEE ON HAROLD E. HUGHES, IOWA LABOR AND PUBLIC WELFARE ROBERT O. HARRIS, STAFF DIRECTOR WASHINGTON, D.c. 20510 JOHN S. FORSYTHE, GENERAL COUNSEL January 10, 1970 Mr. Benjamin C, Bradlee Executive Editor THE WASHINGTON POST 1515 L Street NW Washington, D. C. Dear Mr. Bradlee: On page § 17420 of the enclosed CONGRESSIONAL RECORD for December 20, 1969, you will find a reprint of an article by Mr. Joshua Lederberg, entitled "Air Pollution Ingredients Are Suspect for Mutation,"’ which appeared in the October 18, 1969, edition of the WASHINGTON POST. The article so clearly and forcefully discussed the possible dangers of peroxides as causes of genetic mutations that I requested that it be in- cluded in the RECORD. Because the commitment of this entire nation will be required to combat the environment crisis, the vital in- terest displayed by your newspaper in educting the public about this problem is to be highly commended. A nation capable of sending men to the moon will unquestionably, now, want to preserve its own environment, and I am deeply appreciative of the efforts of the WASHINGTON POST to gain such a commitment from its readers. With best wishes, I am Sincerely, RWY/sm