Committee on Health N.Y.State Senate Capitol Albang, N.Y. Memo from JOSHUA LEDERBERG DEC 14 71 Denaturation of airplane glue. I would be most interested to hear of the history of this proposal, and especially the technical discussion of the hazards/benefits of the mustard oil additive. I was not aware that this additive was now used by any, not to mention the "most glue mfrs."' mentioned in Assemblyman Posner's letter. To Prevent Glue Sniffing To the Editor: Airplane glue may not be as “to. mantic” an enemy as heroin, but it’s just as dangerous when sniffed by addicts, some as young as eight or nine years. One solution to this prob- lem is to require the addition of oil of mustard to all household and hobby glues, Most glue manufacturers use this additive. But when I introduced a bill two years ago to halt the sale of such glues without the additive, its final passage was blocked mainly by Asso- ciated Industries of New York, acting _ on behalf of one of its members in Troy, N. Y. During the 1971 session, amend- ments were made by the Assembly Health Committee to meet certain objections raised by the Governor's office and the State Health Department. The bill then received the unanimous sponsorship of the committee, headed by Assemblyman Martin Ginsberg, and passed unanimously in the Assembly. ‘Associated Industries, among others, put the squeeze on again, and killed the bill in the Senate Health Com- _ mittee. . I hope the more responsible mem- . AAS: ; of, e San brs a oe wh / Yours sinc J.C. Suares bers of Associated Industries will per- suade the organization to show a little more concern for the. welfare of. our children, SEYMOUR POSNER Assemblyman, 76th District Bronx, Nov. 22, 197}. PROFESSOR JOSHUA LEDERBERG Department of Genetics School of Medicine Stanford University co Stan ford, California 94305