Apt. 316 1900 South Fads Street Arlington, Va. 22202 June 20, 1970. Joshua Lederberg, M. D. School of Medicine stanford, California 94.305 Dear Dr. Lederberg: A column authored by you entitled "A Good Try (S Poses Problem" and syndicated in the Washington Post of October 11, 1969, concerned itself with mustard oil and pointed out doubts as to its dafety. In a recent yora course that I attended, the instructor recommended rubbing mustard oil into the skin as a means of skin improvement. ; In view of the fact that the recommendation relates to a use of mustard oil: different from that with which your article was concerned, I wonder if I may have your comment relative to the safety or lack of safety of the use of mustard oil as it was recommended by the instructor. I enclose & self addressed envelove for your convenience. (Crmsen ater at al., Acta Unien Intern'l against Cancer... 11: 699-703 1955. pr Rusch is at the Univ of Wis Medical Seh In view of experimental work* that shows that the chronic appli- cation of mustard oil to the skin of mice will induce skin tumers xkcoameewe, I would hardly recommend its use in this way. It is of course possible that these laboratory findings are irrelevant in ed to man, but if you want to be a guinea pig you ought to recruit yourself into a medically controiled study. Sincerely,