SMI, WU ee STANFORD UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE STANFORD MEDICAL CENTER PALO ALTO, CALIFORNIA 94304 DEPARTMENT OF GENETICS Area Code 415 Professor Joshua Lederberg JUL 9 9 1969 Pen Duc: Dear Congresswoman Mink: Thank you for your letters of July 22-24 on the denaturation of solvents, in connection with H.R, 12751. The hearings on your bill should, plainly, be the proper place to bring up technicalities. I was however very much struck by the news that allyl isothiocyanate (mustard oil) was being used as a de- naturant, and even more by the information that this material was on FDA's approved list. The reason for my reaction is that this compound was the first chemical to be reported to cause genetic mutations -- I enclose the scientific report on this by Auerbach and Robson which was publlished in 1944, I would not proceed to ana@tomatic condemnation of mustard oil: its natural occurrence is not, however, a very persuasive argument. I am concerned that in our efforts to solve one problem, we merely produve another one unless we proceed cautiously and responsively to the need for thorough investégation. Yours truly, AIT Reem. Lon, Ae Joshua Lederberg CC: Dr. Marvin Legator, FDA Mr. Stanley H. Lowell, Counsel Hobby Industry Assoc. of America Dr. Samuel Epstein (Environmental Mugagen Society)