MEMO FROM TO: TX J. LEDERBERG. H.S RC GENETICS DEPARTMENT STANFORD UNIVERSITY SEP 11 1969 me STANFORD, CALIFORNIA Re- Stockholm meeting. I have your wire. I will loek fer Al Friendly, and be any help I can. Nigel Calder might be even more to the peint, as he is serving as press "x sec. te the conference. Article for 20th: I will justify dateline by wiring any necessary cerrectiens frem STO Menday noen latest. I will be staying at the Cenference mansien "Sdédergarn, Lidingd’ ", tee telephone STeckholm 7656601 Unless the pelar flight is sky jacked te Damascus, I will be in Cepenhagen by the time you get this. Sinverely pe . P.S.XXXKEXHX I doubt if I've left enough reom, but I think the piece myght make more sense if it were bylined: Dr. Lederberg received the Nebel Prize in Stockholm in 1958, at the age of 33, for his work on khe molecular genetics.