STANFORD UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE STANFORD MEDICAL CENTER Ib 6 300 PASTEUR DRIVE, PALO ALTO, CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF GENETICS Professor Joshua Lederberg Sept. 7, 1969 Dear Professor Biswell Thank you for your reprints and references. The article on fire control slipped somewhere in the pipeline, end escaped getting into today's Chronicle per schedule. However, I am not par- ticularly proud of it as a rounded discussion}; aiong other things, I did not havethe benefit of your own writings before composing it. Perhaps I will take up the subject egain sometime, after I have read more deeply on it. I hope I don't come out as a “social Derwinist" from this discussion; analogies between naturel selection and social ethics are usually treacherous. What intrigues me the most about the present sub- ject is how easy it is to destroy an important value, with the best of xsumtx intentions, by sub- optimizing policies, executed with incomplete knowledge. cody ee