SEP 22 1969 CALSOYAS HERNDON and ASSOCIATES MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS @ NUCLEAR PHYSICS @ STOCHASTIC PROCESSES C.D. CALSOYAS, PH.D. 405 FRANCISCO STREET R.C. HERNDON, PH.D. SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA n“ T.L. CASTANEDA, M.A. TELEPHONE (415) 397-4375 Professor Joshua Lederberg September 20, 1969 Department of Genetics Stanford University Palo Alto, California Dear Professor Lederberg: I refer to my letter of September 19, 1969, and to earlier lettersto which you have not yet responded, I enclose a copy of my letter of September 20, 1969, to Secretary Robert Finch, I also referto your newspaper article dated August 31, 1969, in which you said: "Dr. Sternglass' arguments are being taken apart, point by point, in technical publications by Doctors Arthur J, Tamplin of the Lawrence Radiation Laboratory, and L. A. Sagan of Palo Alto, and I must concur with them that his method of analysis is incapable of yielding anything but imaginative speculations, which the alleged data neither prove nor disprove," The Department of Health, Education and Welfare has stated that "20a majority of outstanding authorities on radiation biology shared PHS "reservations! about Sternglass' evidence and assumptions," I would be grateful to have the names of the majority of outstanding authorities on radiation biology who have publicly stated their opposi- tion to the Sternglass hypothesis on fetal deaths from radioactive fallout. Sincerely, C.0,EL,~, C. D. Calsoyas Copy to Mr. Robert Finch, Secretary, Department of Health, Education and Welfare Copy to the Board of Regents, University of California