SEP 22 1969 CALSOYAS HERNDON and ASSOCIATES MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS @ NUCLEAR PHYSICS @ STOCHASTIC PROCESSES C.D. CALSOYAS, PH.D. 405 FRANCISCO STREET SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA TELEPHONE (415) 397-4375 R.C. HERNDON, PH.D. T.L. CASTANEDA, M.A. Dr. Joshua Lederberg September 19, 1969 Department of Genetics _ Stanford University Palo Alto, California Dear Dr. Lederberg: I refer to my letter to you dated September 14, 1969, and enclose a copy of my letter to Dr. Arthur Tamplin, dated September 19, 1969, In that letter I quote from the official response of the Board of Regents of the University of California to my petitions concerning the research of the Plowshare Division and the Division of Biology and Medicine of the Lawrence Radiation Laboratory of the University of California, - I would be grateful if you would supply copies of the research papers to which Dr. Kerr refers, AS you may know the Division of Biology and Medicine of the Lawrence Radiation laboratory is funded and controlled by the United States Atomic Energy Commission. As you know, Dr. Harvey Patt, Director of the Laboratory of Radiabiology, University of California, San Francisco, is Scientific Secretary to the Advisory Committee on Biology and Medicine of the Atomic Energy Commission. A telephone call to him will clear the matter upe Sincerely, Co, Cc. D. Calsoyas Enclosure: letter to Tamplin (September 19, 1969) Copy to the Board of Regents, University of California