CALSOYAS HERNDON and ASSOCIATES MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS @ NUCLEAR PHYSICS @ STOCHASTIC PROCESSES C.D. CALSOYAS, PH.D. R.C. HERNDON, PH.D, T.L. CASTANEDA, M.A. 405 FRANCISCO STREET SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA TELEPHONE (415) 397-4375 93 3-s7 YO Dre L. A. Sagan September 16, 1969 Palo Alto Clinic Palo Alto, California Dear Dr. Sagan: Ixwfer to my letter of September 15, 1969, fo Dr. Arthur Tamplin, Directorof the Information Section, Division of Biology and Medicine, Lawrence Radiation Laboratory, University of California, concerning Dr. Joshua Lederberg's statement that you are now engaged in taking Dr. Sternglass! argumgnts apart, point by point, I would be grateful to have copies of the documentation on which this fearful dismemberment is now under waye I would also be grateful if you would send copies to Dr. Lederberg, so that we can deal with a canonical text, In the meantime, while you are fabricating your technical papers, I would be grateful if you would Supply me with copies of t he scientific documentation on which Dr. Tamplin's estimate of fetal deaths from radioactive fallout is based, Sincerdly, CA, C. D. Calsoyas Copy to the Board of Regents, University of California we