“MEMO FROM TO: TX ‘ Er. Calsoyas J. LEDERBERG ‘ RC GENETICS DEPARTMENT RO STANFORD UNIVERSITY STANFORD, CALIFORNIA Dear Dr, Calsoyas I was in Stockhelm last week when yeur letters arrived. Enclosed is the Y¢fy article yeu requested. I talked briefly to Jr. Mining in Stockhelm, by the way, and he is in ful! agreement with my comment. TY have alse sent a cepy of your request to Urs. Sagan and Tamplin. They are in the process ef getting their manuscripts through seme widely available journals; and I must leave it to them whether they can furnish coptes prier te publication, In my own opinien, Dr. Sternglass's esti- mates are grossly exaggerated. ilowever, T weuld prefer that the natural background (0.1 r per year) be used as a standard cf measuring safety, tather than the 1 r pe: year calculated as the "doubling dose! i¢) genetic effect. However, this is at th: moment’ a purely academic question, for populétien exe posures remain quite small by comparison with the figure of 0,l r. I have ne information on the distribetian ef radio-iodine or ether products about which seme cencern has preperly been expresse:4 Sincerely yours, J Ga. i