SEP }5 j9R9 CALSOYAS HERNDON and ASSOCIATES MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS @ NUCLEAR PHYSICS @ STOCHASTIC PROCESSES C.D. CALSOYAS, PH,D. R.C. HERNDON, PH.D. 405 FRANCISCO STREET SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA TELEPHONE (415) 397-4375 Professor Joshua Lederberg September 14, 1969 Department of Genetics Stanford University Palo Alto, California T.L. CASTANEDA, M.A. Dear Professor Lederberg: I refer to my letter of September 13, 1969. Dr. Grumbach was apparently mistaken both in the date and in the content of your article. I am now informed that your article appeared on August 31, 1969, I refer to Professor Gordon H. Ball's letter of May 12, 1967, in which he said: "The existence of scientific papers from the Lawrence Radiation Laboratory dealing with possible damage to the population from low-level radiation such as may be produced from nuclear blasts under the Plowshare Program was determined by the Committee on University Welfare on the basis of material from that Laboratory." Contrary to scientific procedure, Dr. Edwin MacMillan, Director of the Lawrence Radiation Laboratory of the University of California, has refuses to supply copies of those papers, I would be grateful if you wouhd supply references to scientific papers published by the Division of Biology and Medicine of the Lawrence Radiation Laboratory dealing with the above matters. You may be aware of the fact that Dr. Arthur Tamplin is Director of the Information Section of the Division of Biology and Medicine of the Lawrence Radiation Laboratory. A telephone call to him should clear the matter up, Sincerely, CO, CLiap. C. D. Calsoyas Copy to Dr. Clark Kerr Copy to Chancellor Lee, University of California, San Francisco Copy to Dr. Harvey Patt, Director of the Laboratory of Radiobiology, University of California, San Francisco, and Scientific Secretary to the Advisory Committee on Biology and Medicine, United States Atomic Energy Commission