NEMQ_EROM TO: TX J. LEDERBERG Prof. K. G. Liininge GENETICS DEPARTMENT Genetics RO STANFORD UNIVERSITY Stockholm Univ. STANFORD, CALIFORNIA SEP 8 1969 Dear Pref. Lining: Dr. Bibb (at USAEC) was kind enough to send me a copy of your Nov. 1965, FOA 1 report C1164-F17 which, of course, raises some very interesting questions that may have been answered in your further work. Would you do me the favor of sending me your publicatiens in this area? I will be at the Nobel/14 Symposium at Sédergarn from Sept. 15-20, and may take advantage of the occasion to try to reach you by phene during that time. If you have any occasion to contact me, you can leave a message via Dr. Nilsson at the Nobel Foundation. oo Yours cordjally