August 27, 1969 Dorset, Vt. Dear Mr. Lederberg, By way of Introduction, I ama student at Lehigh University, and I am doing r ther broad = based research into envirommental pohlution, in particular radiation. Of course I didn't miss Dr. Sternglass's article and your criticism, Jineluded in yours were references to articles attacking the inferences made by the former. I would appreciate it if you could send me reprints of the articles you use to refute the "expose’ (if they are easily ayailable) or the adresses where i mirsht obtain them. Thank = you very much, and my encouragement goes out to you to continue to keep the populace properly informed on matters s0 impor- tant as these. Very Sincerely, : Af. & ogee Af oF bt cone Peter N. Skivner P.S. My address is: Mr. Peter Skinner Dorset, Vermont. 05251