vear “rp, uederberg, washington, August «, L8co Coula@ you be kind enough to let me nave in enciosed envelove the references for the articles you el wentioned in your interesting column on Sr°’? .he authors! names were vagan and lemolin. +f you do not have issue numbers handy, the names of the journals will be sufficient. +nenk you in anticipation. Yne factor seems to be forgotten by every- pody, including »ternglass. lf he is right that the foetus is very much more sensitive, tnen - species aifierences ajart - perhaos one tenth of tne isotope will co comparable damuge to a human foetus comnared with the mouse, since numen preg- nency lasts about li times as long as Very that of mice. sincerely yours Kurt “osenweld Ph.b, +600 Naylor oad S: vashington DC %£0070