MEMO FROM TO: Fred Singer TX J. LEDERBERG Rc GENETICS DEPARTMENT RO STANFORD UNIVERSITY STANFORD, CALIFORNIA Dear Fred: AUG 91 1969 . If it were inevitable that a year-long manned capability were developed and charged te other needs, I could see some sense to your argument. I am afraid it will go they other way, and planetary exploration will be the main justification for very large invest-~ ments @n nuclear propulsion and in a long- lived MOL. Se when we already have the capa~ bility I will help you think of uses fpr it. (Darwin did, I believem, parasitize the R.N.) I realize.the extra burden of the prep signa] delay, but I think you understate the opportunities for manned control of the instrumented flyby- from the ground. I also think the technological spillover from this kind of instrumentation is very much larger thab from life support systems, (But one could analyze that further.) As to local manned analysis of data, we are muaxei surely many $B away from the kind ef system you would une send your best scientists on. And once he's seen the Red Planet, how will you keep him off of it? oe Hew would you trade off a mamned flyby agnst an-instrumented sample-retrieval: and be sure to return it te the moon, not earth, if there is any question about quqrantine. O.