Mackical Corfe t + MONTEFIORE HOSPITAL AND MEDICAL CENTER ALBERT EINSTEIN COLLEGE OF MEDICINE BRONX, NEW YORK Victor W. Sidel, M.D. Mailing Address: Chief, Division of Social Medicine Division of Social Medicine Montefiore Hospital and Medical Center Montefiore Hospital and Medical Center Professor of Community Health 11] East 210th Street Albert Einstein College of Medicine Bronx, New York 10467 Telephone: (212) 920-5508 VIA AIR MAIL September 3, 1969 Prof. Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics Stanford University School of Medicine Stanford, Calif. 94305 Dear Dr. Lederberg: I apologize for the long delay in responding to your letter of August 4. It was sent to my old office in Boston, and there was considerable delay in forwarding it to me here in New York where I have just started in my new duties. The reprint which you requested is enclosed. While I had known and admired your work in several other areas including the opposition to CBW, I had not known of your interest in this area and was extremely pleased to read the series of articles in the Washington Post. Some of the more recent materials which may be of interest to you, if you have not already seen them, include an article by Curran in the May, 1969 American Journal of Psychiatry (as well as his article in the July 31, 1969 New England Journal of Medicine, on which the Snedeker editorial was written); an article by Freed on "Legal Aspects of Computer Use in Medicine" in the Autumn, 1967 issue of Law and Contemporary Problems, published by the Duke University School of Law in Durham; an article by Ruebhausen and Brim on "Privacy and Behavioral Research" in the November, 1965 Columbia Law Review; and of course the series of Hearings before various Committees of Congress, probably the best of which were the Hearings before the Committee on Government Operations of the House in May and July, 1966. You may in addition be interested in a report entitled "Problems and Perspectives in the Design of a Community Health Information System" which was prepared under the auspices of the Joint Center for Urban Studies of M.I.T. and Harvard under contract to the U. S. Public Health Service in February, 1969. I was co-investi- gator with Pat Moynihan and James Besséhers on this project and Curran's article in the New England Journal of Medicine on July 31 was drawn from his work for the project. I have only a single copy of the report, but you might be able to obtain it from Mrs. Katherine Bauer at the Joint Center in “Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity” From The Preamble to the Constitution of the World Health Organization September 3, 1969 Prof. Joshu Lederberg Cambridge or from the U.S. Public Health Service. With regard to the situation in Britain, Curran and Cass wrote an article in The Lancet entitled "Rights of Privacy in Medical Practice™ in 1965. We also, as you noted, share a common concern with CBW. I am taking the liberty of enclosing a couple of my most recent pieces on this, and I would like to remain in close contact with you on this. May I say in closing how much I admire all of the work you have been doing in all these fields, and I hope that our paths will cross in the very near future. Sincerely yours, Victor W. Sidel, M.D. VWS:sw encls.