STANFORD UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE STANFORD MEDICAL CENTER 300 PASTEUR DRIVE, PALO ALTO, CALIFORNIA 94304 DEPARTMENT OF GENETICS Professor Joshua Lederberg MAY 29 1959 Dear Harry I will be pleased to see you. Let me know just when you're coming and I'll try to organize a lunch-- besides Kornberg and Shumway, you ought to know Hamburg psychiatry Dick Falk the behavioral center; World Order proj (Princeton) Ehrlich biology (population) .Yanofsky 7 moli. biology and a few others. About back-contamination, I had to give up on this issue (for the moon) long ago. ‘The ritual at the Houston center is a little ridiculous. The main point is that a manned mission is fundamentally incompatible with effective quarantine. (See encl. which puts it very well.) However, I haven't tried to push that much harder (1) to protect the credibility of quaran- tine for Mars (2) it is hard to see how th moon can sustain an earth-compatible flora (3) most important: the earth has undoubtedly been 'contaminated' by lunar material in quantity by ejecta from past cosmic events. What was most preposterous about Apollo was the cal- culated refusal to program useful science in situ, s0 as to save it for the dramatic manned landing, and sample return. Dun Lr. Josepu P. Kennepy, Jr. Lasoratories FoR MoLecutar MEDICINE dedicated to the study of mental retardation Molecular Biology Heredity Neurobiology Developmental Medicine