MAY 2 197] Natural Resources Defense Council, Inc. PQARKRD OF TRUSTEES sivphen P. Duggan, Esq. Cagirman Maus, 1 ouls Auchincloss tui t, Bittker, Esq. pena PL Booth {unas Cashel, Esq. tu. Rene J. Dubos Nohert W. Gilmore tu. Joshua Lederberg fuuace Marshall, Esq. ®ody G. Martin, Esq. ton UW. Oakes {ne Rey. Channing E, Phillips ve, Gilford B, Pinchot vhattes A. Reich, Esq. tuhn R. Robinson, Esq. 4 autance Rockefeller }. Willard Roosevelt (avid Sive, Esq. Dr George M. Woodwell tdwia M, Zimmerman, Esq. -1600 TWENTIETH STREET, N.W. WASHINGTON, D.C. 20009 202 387-28 37 i New York Office 36 WEST 44TH STREET NEW YORK, N.Y. 10036 212 986-8310 May 4, 1971 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics School of Medicine Stanford University Medical Center Stanford, California 94305 Dear Doctor Lederberg: My apologies for the slow response to your memo and materials on domestic communications satellites. While the issue is of great importance, no one among us feels he has the time or background to take it up. John Keker has done some FCC work but is only temporarily with NRDC and feels that a major effort would be required to do a decent inquiry into the FCC proceedings. I spoke with Si Lazarus, who worked with Nick Johnson after graduating from Yale Law ' School, and with Bob Thorpe, Johnson's present aide. Both confirm the material in Shayon's article, feel that the Ford Foundation is not updating its earlier study, but warn that the proceedings are very complex and that inquiry into them by persons without consider- able background would be a large task. Thanks for the suggestion. We do want to be responsive to the problems you and other trustees refer to us. In this case, however, we do not seem to have the resources to make the study. Sincerely yours, Of 4 ‘ ra . ‘ ote AEE RE ohn E. Bryson> ve JEB/mp