STANFORD UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER STANFORD, CALIFORNIA 94305 » (415) 321-1200 STANFORD UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE Department of Genetics June 9, 1969 Dear Mr. Johnson- I just read your presentation to the "Violence Commission"; anna and would have profited from having gottenft to it sooner. However, I think we have very similar views already. About the Communications Institute, however, I would urge that you consider a small variant of the idea, namely to model it on the NIH or NIMH. ‘This would peri- pheralize the bulk of its activities, and help to add further sup- port and focus to university work in its field; yet still leave a core activity for specific applications. This model would be consistent with government support, which, I feel can hardly be dispensed with. Enclosed is a short essay by Dr. Siegel on TV effects on children, that I think you will enjoy. Have you given more thought (or can you refer me to other discussion) about the motivational factors that drive TV prograiming to be so bad? You imply it is not altopether a response to mass demand. Then I have to consider 3 alternatives: 1) "Madison Avenue" is misinformed about public taste. 2) It/s frustrated intellectuals are unconsciously taking their revenge on the system, and are bent on proving how bad they can be in what they foist on the public. 3) They have decided that "bad" programs, however they are evaluated as TV art, are believed to be the most effective advertising vehicles. (They may be right-~- see one of my articles attached. ) If you have any material on this, I would appreciate seeing it. I have just learned that Richard Posner (Gen. Counsel to the Rostow Commission) is on campus, and I may be able to brief myself from him. However, I would also be grateful to you for information on the rurrent status of: 1) CATV -- and the common-carrier aspect of its functioning 2) New communications common carriers, competing with Bell (especially for data transmission); tariffs for shared use of private lines; and can these be marketed further 3) The domestic comsat, and its relationship to public tv (and the Eundy proposals). Yours sincerely, oshua Lederberg LT. J. P. KENNEDY, JR. LABORATORIES FOR MOLECULAR MEDICINE, DEDICATED TO RESEARCH IN MENTAL RETARDATION MOLECULAR BIOLOGY HEREDITY NEUROBIOLOGY DEVELOPMENTAL MEDICINE