August 24, 1954 My dear Bisset: Thank you for your letter of the 5th. Of course you may use any photograph that I have published, subject to the concurrent assent of the copyright-holder, if any. You will not think me unduly cautious i? I particularly request not only the usual attribution of source, but some care in distinguishing added interpretation from my own assertions. I have been particularly interested to read your recent accounts of cell structure, especially in M. oryophilus, and there seems little doubt of the validity of your criticiem in respect to the misidentification of the cell wall. I may still hope, however, that some rationale of mitotic division or ite equivalent will be left after you and “one supporter" have retired from the arena. Please do remember to continue the mutual exbhan ge of publications from our respective laboratories. Yours sincerely, Joshua Lederberg Professor of Genetica ~