AMERICAN TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY 195 BROADWAY. NEW YORK, N.Y. 10007 AREA CODE 212 393-4383 K.P.WOooOD ASSISTANT VICE PRESIQENT August 30, 1968 Professor Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics Stanford University School of Medicine Stanford Medical Center Palo Alto, California 9430/} Dear Sir: Yesterday we generated some more information in an area of your interest. I've attached the press kit and a Wall Street Jovrnal clipping which gives some material from the question and answer session, I needed. no documentation to recognize your eredentials in communications, The support, though, was imoressive and I sent it to our data group. They hope to offer you the opportunity to particivate in a future product trial that is relevant to your data needs, You're right: I'm not in close accord with disengaging "some elements of the communication industry, such as bulk transmission for large users... Our proposal for a space-earth communications system detailed some of the reasons why I believe the best and most economical service lies in a network carrying all forms of communication. This position, of course, does not preclude competition, 1 Sincerely, Me Uhhe Kypy, hes. Ks . geek **Indeed yes! You were reading my mind: I was just about to send you the clipping with a request for just that same material, In my view, your radical new policy vis-a-vis customer i> terfaces Attachments reflects a larze part of what I was advovating, Congratulations, and more power to you for it. Sincerely, a ) j fo Stay of . ~~ . of : og Ame Par roan . ee AA ~ t Set Op Ne n ) very 2 ii ery kh fle ands, see STANFORD UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE STANFORD MEDICAL CENTER PALO ALTO, CALIFORNIA 94304 Area Code 415 321-1200 DEPARTMENT OF GENETICS eeeir, Hood 9/4/68 p.s. May I ask your help to answer a question in technical economics. Exactly what do you market to an individual customer? Presumably, if I attempt a long-distance call and find the line too noisy to be useful, the service would not be chargeable. Do your trriffs define the service that you warrant to a €ustomer? This point will ob- viously become more and more important with the increasing use of com- munications lines for data services. I appréciate your prompt resp6nsiveness to what may be an irritating inquiry. LT. J. P, KENNEDY, JR. LABORATORIES FOR MOLECULAR MEDICINE, DEDICATED TO RESEARCH IN MENTAL RETARDATION MOLECULAR BIOLOGY HEREDITY NEUROBIOLOGY DEVELOPMENTAL MEDICINE