AMERICAN TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY 195 Broanoway. NEw YORK. N.Y. 10007 AREA CODE 212 393-4383 K.P. WOOD ASSISTANT VICE PRESIDENT August 15, 1968 Professor Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics Stanford University School of Medicine Stanford Medical Center Palo Alto, California 94304 Dear Sir: Mr. Romnes has asked me to reply to your recent letter, And, before answering your questions, let me congratulate you-- ten years after the fact--for your research in genetics leading to the Nobel Prize, With respect to your inquiry about a "technical brief" detailing our "concerns about the unrestrained connection of customer-owned apparatus to the telephone system," I have at- tached the testimony of Mr. Williamson in the Carterfone case before the Federal Communications Commission. That is the case referred to in the Wall Street Journal article you sent. Only the Carterfone device was at issue. Our Petition for Reconsideration, also attached, makes clear that the evidence of record was limited to the issues of Carterfone (see page 10ff). The kinds of problems we see in the FCC's Carterfone decision are sketched in the Petition, Mr, Williamson's testimony describes something of the complex interrelationship required of the 58 *ephone system. His testimony, particularly pages 26-27 and 33-3 » recognizes the sensitiveness of customers to less than good quality long distance service. And I regret the quality of the calls to which you referred. I suggest, however, as do the testimony and Petition, that verifiable com- plaints with responsibility assigned would become more difficult to determine under an "unrestrained connection of customer apparatus." We believe there is no satisfactory method in which tariffs could detail all the requirements to ensure good service, and we see no practical means of ensuring that enumerated specifications would be carried out. We intend to give good service to all telephone customers, We have that responsibility. Our belief that we would be weakened in our ability to carry out that responsi- bility is the reason for our Petition for Reconsideration. wm This reply may represent more "paper" than you (2) anticipated, but I thought such text might be more useful, Sincerely, ool Attachments Aa Varrery Capea of Merman Spr munnceatnn and Uror are 2 le “f ahs aX Hive AMAAAME LATO » es peyote f jutele Led pect veus 5 Cortine Mee A SD gaps sie 7 . “ . : ae cpm nA chet eed Anne reaction ( Dee rut ve as gator ) & ma Mant an Trey Leetlie etre yly Arete fie~ pets aco Dat Reermenrd Her Ay Core tv Ck, bz hat WRaH wd 8 gk tA Dane aioe (ee peak vs 8 ab if gon AA wet OD 2h Se. “yew ony CA @ Tl yet Lact 10 gee 0 rou Aetee, in Brceahy ae Bred —14,