STANFORD UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER STANFORD UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE Department of Genetics Professor Joshua Lederberg Dear Dr. Seaborg: I would be grateful to you for further information on: your actual views on the environmental situation; are they accurately reported here? Thank you Joshua Lederberg My interest in this material relates in part to background for a weekly column on "Science and Man" which ap- pears weekly in the Washington POST. APA er EWe> Sure a (STL yD STANFORD, CALIFORNIA 94305 ¢ (415) 821-1200 JUL 29 1969 J-17-69 E6038 CONGRES we viser, already anticipates drastic action and mentions that clectric autos may replace. Internal-combustion cars, surely a wild, unrealistic beginning of a practical study. EMOTIONALLY CHARGED The Christian Sclence Monitor, quoting Glenn T. Seaborg, chairman of the Atomic Energy Commission and Nobel Prize laureate, says, “There 1s 4 certain hysteria in the coun- try about environmental problems. Environ- ment has become an emotionally charged, word toady, almost on a par with ‘crime in the strects’ or ‘student revolts,’ It is obvious that enough {is not being done tn con- trolling and regulating the environments. But much smore is being done than the public Ils aware of and more than ever be- fore."" Glenn Seaborg 1s right. The extreme conservationists contributes Httle. We are not yet a nation of polsoned, strangulating hypochondriacs doomed to choke on foul alr, swahliow our own smoke and gaze vacantly! on a devastated countryside. Education, leadership, money and time will see us through, . : Here we have tha clever reporter suddenly turned scientist who treats the entire sub- ject of man despoiling nature as if it were a sudden dramatic disturbance like a ty- phoon, earthquake or flood, civil war, rlot or & raging fire, . Nobody but a fool will deny that there has been a selfish despoiling of nature, that selfishness has often masqueraded as public service and that industry has in many places injured nature. But oversimplifying the problem by manufactured evidence and mls- representation will only promote prolonged and bitter argument, Armchair philosophiz- ing and academic chatter will not save us from engincering rape. Our salvation re- quires realism, sober, steady, reHable cou- rageous day-by-day hard work, balance and serenity. One must admire the boundless, fathom- Jess Indination of Marine over the rape of the untverse. Vo be sure, the basic remedy Is at hand--+stop breeding by the two-legeed, Teduce populations and thus guarantee un- interrupted enjoyinent by the survivors,