4 MEMBERS {) + + hi ata ‘Sa oF ea MERVYN M, DYMALLY VICE CHAIRIAAN PETER H. BEHR W. CRAIG BIDDLE RALPH C. DILLS JOHN L. HARMER JOSEPH M. KENNICK MILTON MARKS GEORGE MOSCONE DAVID A. ROBERTI JACK SCHRADE ALFRED H. SONG JAMES E. WHETMORE “G94 iS COMMITTEE ADDRESS STATE CAPITOL 445-5965 40580 VY California Legislature WILLIAM E. BARNABY CONSULTANT Larry A. AGRAN COUNSEL Senate Committee Health and Welfare BILLIE J. MITCHELL SECRETARY ANTHONY GC. BEILENSON €2 CHAIRMAN eA NtEnint RAEN a ee June 1, 1973 Professor Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics School of Medicine Stanford University Stanford, California 94305 Dear Professor Lederberg: Please excuse the delay in responding to your inguiry of a few weeks ago regarding the present status of state law requiring blood tests for venereal disease detection purposes of marriage license applicants. n- exceptionally heavy workload has caused me to fall behind with some of my correspondence. California required a blood determination as syphilis. law (see enclosed) for some years has test of marriage applicants for a to the presence or absence of infectious A bill I authored last year (SB 1002 -- see copy enclosed) added a requirement that female applicants be tested to determine if they are immune to rubella Questions as to the availability of sufficient Taboratory capability to perform rubella tests resulted in my introduction of SB 322 this year. Your point is well taken in suggesting mandatory blood tests or physical examinations as a condition to public school attendance. My only question would be as to the feasibility of such testing on a mass basis so that it would not pose a hardship or prevent some children from attending school. Professor Joshua Lederberg June 1, 1973 Page Two Your comments in that regard would be welcome and I will explore the matter with state officials associated with VD control efforts. Thank you for taking the time to make the suggestion and, again, I regret the delay in responding. _Sinc®rely , e r- rir © Lacon ANTHONY C. BEI ACB:kpm Enclosures (3) cc: Dr. Warren Ketterer Department of Public Health