CATALINA ISLAND SCHOOL POST OFFICE BOX 796, AVALON, CALIFORNIA 90704 TELEPHONE (213) 611 March h, L971 Dr. Paul Ehriich Department of Biological Sciences Stanford University Stanford, California Dear Dr. Ehrlich: I recently reviewed your book Population, Resources and Environ- ment for our social sciences teacher and found iv to be quite informa- tive and well-written. It will be used as the textbook in nis 20th Century Problems course next year. I was interested in a statenent that you made concerning the possibility that chlorine or compounds thereof may be mutagens. My interest stems from my lack of information concerning the effects of various germicides on bacteria, as well as the precise biochemical make-up.and physiology of bacteria. I would be interested in obtain- ing any information that you or Dr. Lederverg might nave concerning the pathways through which various germicides act upon bacteria, and whether or not the nucleic acids themselves are affected by these chemicals. If so, it is obvious that such chemicals if they persist and are transported into food sources, etc., could pose fperetic praob- lems of consequence. 3p . Et ere Ate Nardane I realize your extremely busy schedule, but this information would te most helvful to us here. If you do not have the time, I would greatly appreciate the nanes of other individuals who misht be able to answer my questions. I am afraid that uy training (Har- vard, applied math and biolosy) leaves me unprepared in this area. Many thanks. Please say hello to Ned Groth if he is still with you. Sincerely, Prof. Joshue Lsdareerg MAR 17 1971 Wlheare Deperbrert of Genstue William W. Bushing School of Meduxne Biological Sciences Stantord’ Unversity Stanford, -Caiffornin 94305