ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ON HEALTH Stanford University Medical Center David Peter Sachs 29 January 1970 Nor STHWEST care wer Tre ASS’ N STE COO LSON SIREET SHELTON, WASH. 98584 Mrs. JOHN A, DINNING 311 COOKSON STREET SHELTON WASHINGTON 968584 fer reelete) 312 1% eat Sev, Sad cf, Your avticle om Chiltern alien Cart Talerse hewt a cafee pact ou shad Use Hew On the aulypel™ Shae tow thtece ba. ora fe ricete Wwrutlertth, ii tid Wreu' Hank ee . Cetrcl 1% VQ “4 ** Too true! This turns out to be a very complicated subject, and I would urge that no hasty conclusions be drawn. The essential fact is that some very comphex chemistry and biology is involved that needs a new level of investiga- We are actively working on tinis now in my own laboratory Nthat may be of tion. One of my students prepared a workshee Prof. Joshua Lederber some use to you. Department of Genetics School of Medicine Stanford University \ Stanford, California 94305