MEMO FROM TO: TX J. LEDERBERG Mr. Denald F Fleck F¢ GENETICS DEPARTMENT STANFORD UNIVERSITY STANFORD, CALIFORNIA Hydrezene Cerp. SEP 22 1969 Dear Mr. Fleck: I can understand yeur exasperatien abeut the cemmitment ef public health efficiais te chlerine. As yeu knew I believe? there are many questiens that need te be investi- gated far mere carefully than has se far been dene. We are in fact centinuing eur ewn re-~ search en the subject, and I will certainly remember te send yeu a cepy ef eur reperts when they are published. Until then, I believe it is impertant te maintain an epen and uncemmitted mind. I am ebDiged te say that I have similar reservatiens abeut ezene; namely that its use will have te be subjected te an equally careful scrutiny fer insidieus side-effects te a degree that, likewwse, has net yet been dene. I de enclese a brief repert that illustrates ene aspect ef the ques- tiens that remain te be answered. I had written te the Chremalley Cerp. abeut their knewledge ef this kind ef bie- legical research, and must say that their reply was mest disappeinting. Yeurs sincerely,