UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, DAVIS JUL 1 1969 BERKELEY ° DAVIS * IRVINE * LOS ANGELES * RIVERSIDE « SAN DIEGO * SAN FRANCISCO SANTA BARBARA * SANTA CRUZ A Tribute to the People af Callfornia COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE DAVIS, CALIFORNIA 95616 AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION DEPARTMENT OF NUTRITION June 26, 1969 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics Stanford University Palo Alto, California Dear Dr. Lederberg: How very nice of you to send me a copy of the column in which you described my work: I read your excellent column with great interest every week in the San Francisco Chronicle, but they never published that one, so I very much appreciate your sending it. As an old admirer of yours, I was delighted that you wrote about my work, and it is a pleasure to send you the enclosed reprints. Again, thank you for your thoughtfulness in sending the copy. Sincerely, at # ° vA LUCILLE S. HURLEY Professor of Nutrition LSH/ jm Enclosures