CHARITY HOSPITAL OF LOUISIANA AT NEW ORLEANS LOUIS BURROUGHS, M. DO. OIRECTOR June 4, 1969 Dr. Joshua Letterberg Stanford University Medical Center Stanford, California 94305 Dear Dr. Letterberg: Many thanks for your note of June 2nd in which you sent me copies of material which appeared in the Washington Post. I believe the statement I made before the Senate Small Business Committee, Subcommittee on Monopoly, which is chaired by Senator Gaylord Nelson, will give you a good idea of my views concerning this particular subject. The adoption of generic names as the principal method of indicating drug nomenclature will in no way interfere with the physician's prerogative to prescribe what he deems best. The plan that I have proposed to the Senator as outlined in my testimony indicates that specifically. Sincerely, John Adriani, M. D. Associate Director JA:dl Enclosure