Transcription includes [marginal notes in JL hand] Tue Oct 17 15:11:56 EDT 2000 BBGDXC -- refers to SAM-134 download as /j/X/peck.690129 ====== The Rockefeller Foundation 111 West 50th Street, New York, N.Y. l0020 Cable: ROCKFOUND, New York Telephone: COLUMBUS 5-8100 January 29, 1969 Dear Mr. Lederberg: I have followed your column with interest, but this letter is particularly prompted by your January 25th report on genetic engineering. Earlier this month, a small gathering was assembled here to discuss broad crosses, along the lines of the triticale development. The enclosed material gives a brief description of this meeting, and might be of general interest to you.* [Is more detailed transcript available?] Also enclosed are two other recent releases: one of them contains remarks by Dr. J. George Harrar, the Foundation President, on the problem of world food sufficiency as measured against the increasing population; the other reports on the Foundation's move to support new approaches and scientific research toward a new birth control method, particularly in view of the need in developing nations, with a $2 million grant to the University of North Carolina. Please get in touch with me if I can help you further. Sincerely, Marshall H. Peck, Jr. February 14 1969 addressed to: forwarded to: Mr. Joshua Lederberg Prof. Joshua Lederberg Washington Post Department of Genetics 1515 L Street, N.W. School of Medicine Washington, D.C. 20005 Stanford University Stanford, California 94305 [ * Yes. Thank you. But I have to Are you encouraging more classify this as an application adventurous research -- see of antique science, which is not what I mark on the attached. to demean its present importance.] Sincerely, Joshua Lederberg