pe) MAY 23 1969 INSTITUTE FOR DEFENSE ANALYSES LL, International and Social Studies Division ] DA 400 Army-Navy Drive, Arlington, Virginia 22202 * Telephone (703) 558-1000 May 26, 1969 Dear Dr. Lederberg, Thank you very much for your kind letter dated May 21, 1969. I was particularly pleased to find out that you were a professional, and in genetics yet; when I had written to you I thought you were a science reporter. I really know very little about genetics and when I wrote about it in my critique I was keeping my fingers crossed. That you found nothing in my paper in its treatment of heredity and its behavioral manifestations to take umbrage at in writing is therefore quite gratifying. Concerning McVicker Hunt. Characterizing him as merely being pedestrian is kind. I know him well enough, having spent the 1951-52 academic year at Urbana and having heard him pontificate at length at each and every department seminar. and colloquium. When writing the critique I had yet to read Intelligence and Experience which is now quoted as a bible by those Jensen criticizes. By the time I was mailing the critique out I had read it. Nevertheless I decided to let the paper go as is; were I to have started to tamper with it my sense of honesty would force me to replace "pedestrian" with “hack". Intelligence and Experience is a disgrace and effrontery to everything that I feel to be the value of science. PS We do seem to be talking about the same thing re "values" and "alienation". I