MAY 2~ 1969 Sranrorp University ScHOOL OF MEDICINE Department of Genetics ‘Campus Totalitarians) "ep - ‘The. alarming concept that extremism in the hands « of allegedly idealistic young radicals is no vice is ‘beginning to undermine the very foundations of academic freedom. es | The extent of the erosion’ of principles without which free society cannot survive has been under- scored by reports of a deliberate campaign of harass- ment conducted by militant New Left students against Dr. Arthur Jensen, an educational psychologist at Berkeley. Dr. Jensen has come under attack for a research paper, published in the Harvard Educational Review, which suggests that hereditary factors, in addition to environmental ones, may account for lower averages in 1.Q. scores shown by Negroes and other disadvantaged groups. ars _. The question is not whether ‘the Jensen research ‘is valid. There is much evidence that it is being ‘abused by some who want to bolster their racist prejudices, although this was clearly not Dr. Jensen’s intention. As Dr. Joshua Lederberg, the Nobel Prize geneticist at Stanford University, has pointed out, the study serves as a reminder that diseases, malnu- trition or dietary imbalances, éither during prenatal Or early childhood stages or as a consequence of conditions of past history, may have to be investi- ‘Zated further for their influence on the heredity of various ethnic groups. While Dr. Lederberg disagrees with some aspects of the Jensen hypothesis—particu- larly the doubts it throws on compensatory education programs, which at best are still in their experimental infancy—he also‘ leaves no doubt that its publication was a scientific contribution and should be treated as such. . “ This-is the heart of the matter. The young totali- tarians who have harassed Dr. Jensen and whose tactics of pressure and smear have led to the resig- nation of one of the scholar’s staff members pose a threat to the future of free inquiry that can no longer be ignored. A campus on which classes must be shifted to secret meeting places in order to avoid disruption may soon Cease to be a campus at all. . There is special irony that these outrages against free speech are being perpetrated at Berkeley, where the student rebellion originated under the banner of the Free Speech Movement. The subjugation of science —including theories of heredity—to the orthodoxies of political revolutions have been the mark of Fascist, Nazi and Stalinist totalitarianism. Surrender to such lactics cannot be tolerated on the American campus. - <— STANFORD UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER STANFORD, CALIFORNIA 94305 « (415) $21-1200 7 Mr. Harry Schwartz The New York Times Dear Harry: I. was very pleased to see this. Perhaps a much smaller issue, but I am a little abashed about my pedagogic skill if I left ofen the possibility that early environment could influence the heredity of ethnics groups.* I know that I might be hypersensitive about the pre- cision of the vocabulary in my own spe- cialty. Let me point out, at least to you, that there is no issue about influen- cing the heredity (the genes) of the children. that we are talking about is wxis exclusively about the xntexrnxxtin complicated expression of a given heredity. Unfortunately, Shockley's militant obscurantism has to provoke this kind of reaction. All the best Wp ; oshua Lederberg # eyerot by retinal selecTin sb, LT. J. P. KENNEDY, JR. LABORATORIES FOR MOLECULAR MEDICINE, DEDICATED TO RESEARCH IN MENTAL RETARDATION MOLECULAR BIOLOGY HEREDITY NEUROBIOLOGY DEVELOPMENTAL MEDICINE