JAN 21 1969 Stniy3 Harvard Educational Review LONGFELLOW HALL, 13 APPIAN WAY CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS 02138 January 20, 1969 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics School of Medicine Stanford University Palo Alto, California Dear Dr. Lederberg: Thank you for your recent advice regg to comment on the article by Arthe After reading the article, Dr. Crow of the University of Wisconsin agreed to participate in the discussion. As I mentioned to you on the phone, we would ideally like to print an additional contribution from your colleague at Stanford, but with Dr. Crow committed to contribute, we have filled up the available space in the issue. Once again, thank you very much for assisting us in te suggesting possible discussants. I will send you a copy of the discussion as soon as it is published. Sincerely, Dondd 1. Mou Donald R. Moore Co-Chairman, Editorial Board DRM/ as As sax seo, Lhe turer Hrs ty no FS feats,