Harvard Educational Review LONGFELLOW HALL, 13 APPIAN WAY CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS 02138 December 20, 1968 Professor Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics School of Medicine Stanford University Palo Alto, California Dear Dr. Lederberg: The Harvard Educational Review is pianning a discussion - of the concept of intelligence to be published in its Spring 1969 Issue. The focus for the discussion will be the enclosed article by Dr. Arthur Jensen (to be published in our forth- coming Winter Issue), which presents his views about the nature of intelligence and the extent to which it is modifiable. We have assembled a group of respondents from diverse backgrounds to comment on_the Jensen article. Thus #ar, Drs. card pe eiter, Jerome Kadan, David Elkind, Lee Cronbach and J. MCV. Hunt have agreed to respond. A. Hess ). We invite you to participate as a respondent in this dis- cussion. In view of Dr. Jensen's contentions concerning genetic influences on intelligence, the comments of a geneticist would add an important dimension not now present. Responses should be approximately 8-12 typewritten pages in length. Our submission date for the Spring Issue is February 1. One of our editors will contact you in a few days to see whether it will be possible for you to contribute to this dis- cussion, which we hope will be an important contribution both to education and to the study of human development. Sincerely, O)enald Bo Mon Donald R. Moore Co-Chairman, Editorial Board DRM/as Enc.