September 3, 1968 Professor Arthur R. Jensen Institute of Human Learning University of California 2241 College Avenue Berkeley, California 94720 Dear Professor Jensen: Thank you for your article which I read with interest and can scarcely quarrel with. The only caution I would have added would be the fallacy, exploited by some of our mutual acquaintances, of extrapolating measures of heritability estimated in a white and not too heterogeneous socio-economic group as being pertinent to the genetic basis of differences {in performance between black and white subcultures. So far as I know there have been no adoption studies on black children at ail, much less those who might be transplanted to white environments. Even if such were to be attempted, I would still be concerned that the white reaction to black skin remained an intangible but significant part of the demonstrable performance. I realize your paper does not directly deal with this issue and, of course, I must continue to applaud your pleas for looking for ways to measure individual variability precisely for the purposes of improving the corresponding fitness of the environment. Sincerely yours, J. Lederberg Professor of Genetics JL/mla wr5Nap