ro small group &xR&RAXkkX Who accept neither position. All things considered, I would 722 Yama Street Yreka, California 96097 March 13, 1970 Mr. Joshua Lederberg tScelence and ‘ian! The Chronicle Fublisning Company 901 Miresion Street San Francisco, California 9119 Dear Mr. Lederberg: T heve just sent for a copy of your column on fluoridation which appeared in the March 23,1969 issue of Sunday Punch in the Chronicle. Fluoridation is on the ballot next month and we are trying to make people aware of its possible dangers. ‘ve are hoping to put some paid ads in our local paver and would like your permission to quote your article or parts of it. We will appreciate your answer at your earliest possible moment as time is short. Some people are reluctant to speak out against it and we are most grateful your article has been printed. = would be pleased to have your degree or degrees listed Jor these nonbelievers, ly you willwrdon me for asking. A self addressed envelope is enclosed for your early reply. lany thanks. Sincerely, ne . Yreka, age we to Mluoridation D., Se-8, Cae) sy Schoo! of Medicine Stanford University fe *.. ru . . . : Stanford, California 94395 a oe j JO20 —_——") It would be easy for my position to be misunderstood, and you are not the first person that I have confused. Most people seem to feel that "fluoride" is either very bad or absolutely wonderful; and I am among advocate the fluoridation of water supplies, in the belief thats the benefits outweigh the hazards. However, if a substantial minority opposes it, I do not think the benefits are so great that fluoridation should be imposed on that minority against its will. N&NXXKKX I believe that most of the opposition to fluoridation is misinformed. There are nevertheless more gaps in our knowledge about its effects than there should be for such an important question. (Unfortunately I would have to say the same about many other aspects of our daily experience, ) You are welcome to reprint this note in its entiret » and if you wish also any part of the columns mentioned above. TI fear that my position would be confused further if you coh, not ee the py paragraph.